You just click on each tab on the left in succession and go through each setting, toggling between Off and On by clicking on the words and clicking on any buttons whose actions you want to explore.ĭuring this process, you may have to make decisions that you’ve never before considered.

It’s easy to specify your preferences on these screens. Going through these settings one by one has another benefit: you will learn about things that QuickBooks Online can do that you may not have discovered.įigure 2: Work your way through the Account and Settings screens to see what QuickBooks Online can do – and to determine how you want to handle its many features for your company’s accounting. QuickBooks Online comes with its own default settings that many businesses would be likely to use but you need to evaluate these and see if you need to change any of them to better fit your company. Unless you went through the QuickBooks Online setup process on your own or with help from us, it’s important that you click on the link to Account and Settings under Your Company before you start entering live data.

Some of the links in the Settings window take you to screens that you’ll have to pop into regularly in the course of your daily work. It’s easy to find: just click the gear icon next to your company name in the upper right corner of the screen.įigure 1: You’ll want to explore the Settings window early on in your use of QuickBooks Online, but you’ll often have occasion to revisit it. So it’s a good idea to visit yourscreen early in your QuickBooks Online journey. You’ll want to connect the site to your financial accounts, build a budget, and specify payment terms and types. If you have multiple employees using QuickBooks Online, for example, it has probably occurred to you that not everyone needs to have access to everything in your company file. But you’ll soon discover that those tasks would be easier if you had established all of your Settings first. You can create bills and start paying them or begin to invoice customers or record expenses as soon as you set up an account (though you’ll be adding a lot of data on the fly).
And when it gets dark, you’d better know how to turn on the headlights. If it starts raining, you must know where the wiper controls are. But you soon realize that you need to know where the temperature controls and the radio tuner are. You can get into a rental car and just start driving to your destination. You’ll be visiting QuickBooks Online’s Settings screen regularly, so it’s good to know what’s there.